Left Alone
I like to be left alone. Locked up in a dark, sordid place. I cherish this calm before and after the storm. It is almost orgasmic.
Sextortion Game
For sure this sextortion game could lead to millions in debt, but so far this trick got me sucked for a dollar — here and now. That’s all and I would say, surely enough!
Tape Face
You like this feeling, when your destiny is not yours, the future fades, and your mind races. Calm down, it is the first day of your new life.
Tied Tight
Freedom is the power to choose our own chains. Not sure what was the thought of that French philosopher, but I found freedom in bondage.
Get in the Trunk
It’s the weekend, my dear. Why don’t we get away together? I love tying up your naked body. Now get in the trunk, it is time for your abduction.
Mistress Widow
Her name is Victoria, you found her online as Mistress Widow. Even with that name, you didn’t run away. You thought you were better, smarter.
The Epic Rise and Fall of Victoria De Cock
In the Miami’s world of wealthy retirees, the scandalous philanthropist finally gets her judgement day.